Self-Care Tips for the Working Mom: Finding Time in a Busy Schedule

Hey fellow working moms! As if juggling a career, kids, and home isn't enough, we're expected to "have it all" flawlessly. But the truth is, we can't pour from an empty cup. That's why it's crucial we also make time for self-care, even when our schedules feel maxed out. If you fall apart, nobody’s getting anything anyway! So here are three realistic ways to practice self-care with a packed schedule:

1. Set a 5-minute alarm for a mindful break. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and observe any thoughts and sensations without judgment. Hit reset.

2. Prioritize exercise with solo or family walks. Schedule a daily 5-20 minute walk to get fresh air, move your body, and enjoy some time in nature. The fresh air renews in mysterious ways, friend!

3. Wake up 15 minutes early or carve out 15 minutes after their bedtime. Use the time for quiet reflection with a cup of Fizz before the chaos begins or tea to wind down in the evening. Write in a journal to clear out some mental space or listen to inspirational podcasts. If you can’t fathom a time adjustment right now, make your shower a time of intentional quiet or a moment for gratitude or prayer. Stop carrying the stress of the world into your most sacred spaces. All of the stress and tasks will still be waiting for you when you’re done taking a few minutes for you, I promise.

As working moms, we often downplay our own needs. But quick recharging rituals like these allow us to be more patient, engaged parents and excel in our careers. Let's lift each other up by making time for self-care! You deserve it.

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